In the Crime Insight solution, there are four websites that have their own set of users and access controls. Most of the time, UCR Managers have administrative access to these four sites to manage user access and configuration (ORI, error, warning...)

  • Public Reporting site: Accessible to the public with appropriate crime summary reports. UCR Managers only need to manage access for users who wish to save personal reports on the public site.
  • Repository site: This is where agencies upload NIBRS data. This site uses the same user list as the LEA Reporting site.
  • LEA Reporting site: Many operational and crime reports are available to law enforcement agencies. This site uses the same user list as the Repository site.
  • Admin Reporting site: Dedicated for UCR managers. Most operational and crime reports are available on this site.

Public Reporting Site

  • Anybody can access reports on this site. User logins are not required.
  • Most Public Reporting sites restrict the years of data available in the reports.
  • Most Public Reporting sites show data for all agencies.
  • Most Public Reporting sites do not show record level data.
  • Usually, staff in the State UCR Program have administrator level access to the Public Reporting site.
  • Non administrative level accounts may be created for users to save private reports.

Repository Site

  • A user account is required to access the Repository site.
  • Agencies have accounts that allow them to only see their own uploads (for their ORI) and only certain pages (e.g. only the NIBRS Data Upload page and not Incident Editor) on most Repository sites.
  • Agencies can see only errors and warnings for their own ORI on most Repository sites.
  • Agencies might not have access to all functionality on a page. e.g. an agency might not be able to dismiss a warning on the Errors and Warnings page.
  • The user account is shared between the Repository site and the LEA Reporting site although administrator access is managed separately. 
  • Administrator access is given using Roles on the Role Management page.
  • Usually, staff in the State UCR Program have administrator level access to the Repository site.

LEA Reporting Site

  • User logins are required to access a LEA Reporting site.
  • Most LEA Reporting sites restrict the data to only the ORI assigned to the user, using the Repository Users page.
  • LEA Reporting sites show record level data.
  • LEA Reporting sites show data for all years.
  • The user account is shared between the Repository site and the LEA Reporting site although administrator access is managed separately. 
  • Administrator access is given by editing the user in the Users tab in Perspective Site Manager.
  • Usually, staff in the State UCR Program have administrator level access to the LEA Reporting site.

Admin Reporting Site

  • User logins are required to access an Admin Reporting site.
  • Admin Reporting sites show data for all agencies.
  • Admin Reporting sites show record level data.
  • Admin Reporting sites show data for all years.
  • Usually, staff in the State UCR Program have administrator level access to the Admin Reporting site.
  • The State UCR program manager may want to grant non-admin user access to the Admin Reporting site for other State Departments (e.g. the SAC or AG's office).  This will allow those users access to all data (all ORIs, all Years, and record level), but they will only be able to save private reports and won't be able to update the public reports on that site.

To manage users in Public, Lea or Admin Reporting sites, please see Managing Users in the Reporting Component of Crime insight

To manage users in the Repository site, please see  Managing Users in Crime Insight Repository