Larceny data is calculated differently depending on whether the agency is a NIBRS agency or a Summary agency.

NIBRS Agencies

For the agencies that were NIBRS throughout 2020 the (6) row in the report is calculated according to the conversion doc which simply says,

Line 6. Larceny-theft Total:
Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, or 23H

and this number comes from the Offense Data cube.

The definition of the (6x) line (which is the sum of its components) in the conversion doc shows information like this where "stolen" is specifically defined,

Data Element 6 (UCR Offense Code)—entry of 23B
Data Element 14 (Type Property Loss/Etc.)—entry of 7
Data Element 16 (Value of Property)—total value of all stolen property

This means that the (6x) line is for stolen property only while the (6) line is the Larceny total. For example, in the following example shows 32 for (6) and 31 for (6x) and the one less incident was for a motor vehicle parts incident that had no property loss.

Summary Agencies

In the following example, the summary agencies have submitted a value for the (6) entry and the individual (6x) items but the total for the (6x) items does not match the (6) entry. An example of this is shown here for August 2020 

The FBI workbook should be catching this but it doesn't. If you would like a full list of Summary agencies where there are these types of  discrepancies, so you could potentially contact the agency and get them to revise their data, Such a list can be provided.