You can include both Group A and Group B offenses in the same XML-based incident. To make sure you are doing so correctly, please consider the following rules:
- Report only one <Offense> tag for each Group A offense.
- Only report victims for the Group A offenses.
- Do not include a <Person> tag for any non-person victim (e.g. business, society, etc.)
- Only include the <RoleOfPerson> tag if the victim is a person.
- Only include one <Arrestee> tag for each person arrested.
- Only include one <Arrest> tag for each person arrested. Choose the single most important offense for which the person was arrested, whether it's a Group A or Group B offense.
- A Group B offense can only be included in a Group A Arrest Offense, in the <ArrestChart> tag. Only Group A offenses can be specified as an offense using the <OffenseUCRCode> tag.