Before you can publish successfully, you will have to make sure that the WDS user account has Modify permissions for the Archive folder. First you will have to find out which account WDS is running under. 

Assigning permissions to the Archive folder 

You must assign modify permissions to the Archive folder for the WDS user. Note that the following users may also require modify permissions for the Archive folder:

  • Any user who will be using the command line publisher to add files. 
  • The user under which WDS Services is running. In most cases WDS Services runs under the local system account, which has sufficient permissions (full control). However, if WDS Services is running under a different account, that account also has to have modify permissions for the Archive folder. (To determine which account WDS Services is running under, open Services in Control Panel> Administrative Tools. Scroll down to WDS Services, right click it, and select Properties. Click the Log On tab and observe if Local System account or some other account is specified.) 

To assign permissions to the Archive folder: 

  1. In Windows Explorer, locate the archive folder. By default its location is as follows:
    C:\Program Files\Beyond 2020\WDS 8.2\wds82_1\Archive. 
  2. Right-click the Archive folder and choose Properties. Click the Security tab.
  3. In the upper part of the window, scroll down to see if the required user is present in the list of users. For this example we are looking for "Network Service." 
  4. If the user is present in the list, select it and observe its permissions in the lower part of the window. Make sure it has Modify permissions as well as all the defaults, and then click OK.
  5. If the user is not present in the list, click Edit and then Add. The Select Users or Groups dialog appears. Type the name of the user under Enter the object names to select. We will type "Network Service." Click on Check Names to verify that you have typed it correctly, and then click OK.
  6. The Properties window appears again. As in Step 4, select Network Service in the upper part of the window and ensure that it has Modify permissions, as well as all the default permissions. Then click OK
  7. Repeat for any other users who require modify permissions, e.g. your application pool user, IIS APPPOOL\WdsSite1AppPool